Experience intense Mindfuck Hypnosis

Erotic Mindfuck Hypnosis

The word “Mindfuck” stands for all the things that won’t let you go. For all the things that fuck your mind hard and fast – but what if the words in an erotic hypnosis could actually “fuck” your mind? What if the word “mindfuck” alone already makes you so horny that you could almost cum?

Experience intense Mindfucks and powerful hypnotic Orgasms!

What if the words felt like they were penetrating your soul until you exploded in an intense hands free orgasm?

This experience is possible with our mindfuck hypnosis sessions. It’s best to first get an overview of our mindfuck hypnosis options and choose one that particularly appeals to you. It’s important to let yourself go completely and simply let the hypnosis take effect. It often takes some practice to let your thoughts flow freely. You should be generally inclined towards your mindfuck theme. If you have an aversion to a fetish from the start, this hypnosis cannot achieve the desired result, as your subconscious already has negative associations with it. So the best prerequisite for an intense mindfuck experience is your curiosity and openness towards a fetish, as well as trust in your hypnotist. Only then will your subconscious be open to suggestions, allowing our mindfuck hypnosis sessions to crown your hypnosis experience with an incredible orgasm.

Lady Tara's Intense Mindfuck Hypnosis Series

Feel Her Words Penetrating Your Soul!

In Lady Tara‘s MINDFUCK hypnosis, she will do exactly that with her words: fuck your mind – and you will love it. It’s not like a mindfuck film or book, but real, actual sex with your mind that you can’t forget afterwards – let alone want to forget!

Browse through our erotic hypnosis shop and find more of her intense Mindfuck series now!

What Listeners think of our Mindfuck Hypnosis:

"Another great recording" | PORNOSEXUAL by Dark Freya
"Another great recording" | PORNOSEXUAL by Dark Freya
Verified Owner | July 15, 2019
A lot of hypnotists let up over time. I feel like Dark Freya’s files just keep getting better even though the bar is already very high.

This file deserves it’s disclaimer. Brutal, brilliant, effective and very well executed. Don’t want to give too much away, but elements correspond very well with each other. Already noticed effects. And as I understood it, implicitly the effects are especially high on a certain (fitting) kind of porn… Just another great Mind Fuck. Worth every penny.

Also really liked how the induction is extra nice and caring and then changes as soon as the listener is under. Makes the whole thing more effective, enjoyable and exciting.
"Mind is Blown" | MINDFUCK by Lady Tara
"Mind is Blown" | MINDFUCK by Lady Tara
Verified Owner | August 15, 2021
I could actually feel my arousal growing upon command, and the orgasm after the session had finished was hands-down the most intense I’ve ever felt!
I can’t wait to try out my new trigger with the “You Will Cum” file, as I feel it’s gonna be even more intense than before!
"First time going under was great" | YOU WILL CUM! by Lady Tara
"First time going under was great" | YOU WILL CUM! by Lady Tara
Verified Owner | August 7, 2019
Excellent file. I could feel my body going under with her sexy voice, and my eyes acted on their own when she told me to sleep and wake up.

I could feel my body cumming with each command, and the suggestion to masturbate when I woke up was entrenched perfectly.

Excellent file, would recommend!

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