Let's talk about Anal Sex.
With this page we would like to give you a holistic overview on the topic of anal, anal sex and anal hypnosis. Many people are interested in the topic, but often don’t dare to take the next step. We would like to help you get to know the topic and answer one or two questions you might have.
How to do Anal?
The anus is not able to produce its own lubricant (like the vagina) and the tissue of the anus is very sensitive. Therefore, it is important to use an additional water-soluble lubricant during anal intercourse. Without the use of a lubricant, pain and tearing of the tissue in the anus can occur.
As with any other type of sexual intercourse, relaxation is important for a pleasant and pleasurable experience during anal sex. If all conditions are met, then the penis should be inserted slowly into the anus and stopped if there is pain or resistance. It is best to empty the bowels before anal intercourse and to wash well before and after anal intercourse or oral-anal contact.